

Calling Sequence

[value, timestamp] = lcaGet(pvs, nmax, type)


Read a number of m PVs, which may be scalars or arrays of different dimensions. The result is converted into a m x n matrix. The number of columns, n, is automatically assigned to fit the largest array among the m PVs. PVs with less than n elements have their excess elements in the result matrix filled with NaN.

If all PVs are of native type DBF_STRING or DBF_ENUM, the values are returned as character strings; otherwise, all values are converted into double precision numbers. Explicit type conversion into strings can be enforced by submitting the `type' argument described below.


Column vector (in matlab: m x 1 cell- matrix) of m strings.
(optional argument) Maximum number of elements (per PV) to retrieve (i.e. limit the number of columns of value to nmax). If set to 0 (default), all elements are fetched and the number of columns, n, in the result matrix is set to the maximum number of elements among the PVs. The option is useful to limit the transfer time of large waveforms (unfortunately, CA does not return the valid elements (“NORD”) of an array only — it always ships all elements).
(optional argument) A string specifying the data type to be used for the channel access data transfer. Note that unless the PVs are of native “string” type or conversion to “string” is enforced explicitly (type = char), labCA always converts the data to “double” locally.

It can be desirable, however, to use a different data type for the transfer because by default CA transfers are limited to ˜ 16kB. Legal values for type are byte, short, long, float, double, native or char (strings). There should rarely be a need for using anything other than native, the default, which directs CA to use the same type for transfer as the data are stored on the server.

Occasionally, conversion to char can be useful: retrieve a number of PVs as strings, i.e. let the CA server convert them to strings (if the PVs are not native strings already) and transfer them.

If multiple PVs are requested, either none or all must be of native DBF_STRING or DBF_ENUM type unless explicit conversion to char is enforced by specifying this argument.

Note that while native might result in different types being used for different PVs, it is currently not possible to explicitly request different types for individual PVs (i.e. type can't be a vector).

The m x n result matrix. n is automatically assigned to accomodate the PV with the most elements. If the nmax argument is given and is nonzero but less than the automatically determined n, then n is clipped to nmax. Excess elements of PVs with less than n elements are filled with NaN values.

The result is either a `double' or a (matlab: cell-) `string' matrix (if all PVs are of native string type or explicit conversion was requested by setting the `type' argument to `char').

labCA checks the channel access severity of the retrieved PVs and fills the rows corresponding to INVALID PVs with NaN9. In addition, warning messages are printed to the console if a PV's alarm status exceeds a configurable threshold. The refusal to read PVs with INVALID severity can be tuned using the lcaSetSeverityWarnLevel call as well.

(optional result) A m x 1 column vector of complex numbers holding the CA timestamps of the requested PVs. The timestamps count the number of seconds (real part) and fractional nanoseconds (imaginary part) elapsed since 00:00:00 UTC, Jan. 1, 1970.


// read a PV
    lcaGet( 'thepv' )
// read multiple PVs along with their EPICS timestamps
    [ vals, tstamps] = lcaGet( [ 'aPV' ; 'anotherPV' ] )
// read an 'ENUM/STRING'
    lcaGet( 'thepv.SCAN' )
// read an 'ENUM/STRING' as a number (server converts)
    lcaGet( 'thepv.SCAN', 0, 'float' )
// enforce reading all PVs as strings (server converts)
// NOTE: necessary if native num/nonnum types are mixed
    lcaGet( [ 'apv.SCAN'; 'numericalPV' ] , 0, 'char' )
// limit reading a waveform to its NORD elements
    nord = lcaGet( 'waveform.NORD' )
	if nord > 0 then
      lcaGet( 'waveform', nord )


Actually, all fields of an EPICS database record share a common severity, (which itself is a field/PV — the .SEVR field). However, the INVALID status actually only applies to the .VAL field of a record — other fields (e.g. .EGU) may still hold meaningful data. Consequently, INVALID PVs are returned as NaN only if they refer to a record's .VAL field.