

Calling Sequence

[err_status] = lcaLastError()


This routine is a simple extension to scilab's lasterror which only allows a single error to be reported. If labCA encounters an error of general nature then lasterror is sufficient and lcaLastError() reports redundant/identical information. However, if a labCA operation only fails on a subset of a vector of PVs then lcaLastError() returns an error code for each individual PV (as a m x 1 vector) so that failing channels can be identified.

The error reported by lasterror corresponds to the first error found in the err_status vector.

Note that (matching lasterror's semantics) the recorded errors are not cleared by a successful labCA operation. Hence, the status returned by lcaLastError() is only defined after an error occurred and the routine is intended to be used from the catch section of a try – catch – end construct.


m x 1 column vector of status codes for each PV of the last failing labCA call or a scalar. Note that this routine can return a scalar even if the last operation involved multiple PVs if the error was of general nature (e.g., “invalid argument”). In this case the scalar is identical to the error reported by scilab's lasterror.


  // lcaXXX command goes here
  errors = lcaLastError()
  // errors holds status vector or single status code
  // depending on command, error cause and number of PVs.